EDDM (Every Door Direct) Specialists
What Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM®) offers your business
The USPS® Every Door Direct Mail® Program can benefit any business looking to increase their revenue and gain exposure to a larger audience.

EDDM® service offers the benefits of reduced postage with no need for a mailing permit, and focused exposure without the need the added cost of mailing lists and inkjetting/addressing. You can send a large postcard to every address in an area for much less than the price of a standard postage stamp.

How Does it Work?
The EDDM® Mapping Tool allows you to be more involved in effectively marketing your message to the right audience. You can select an area of town, even down to individual postal routes to target areas you think may yield better response.
If you aren’t familiar with specifics of the area you are considering, the Mapping Tool can also provide estimated demographics which include average age, household income and members of a household. This data can help you to target people who would be most interested in your product or service. You can filter even further by excluding businesses addresses or PO Boxes.
You can see before starting exactly how many people residences and businesses would receive your mailing and an estimate of the postage costs.
Create a Postcard Design
Our design team has created hundreds of EDDM® pieces already. We can create something from scratch, work with existing art to create something consistent with your other marketing pieces, or print and mail artwork that you provide. Keep in mind, the USPS® has strict guidelines for their EDDM mailings so we do recommend using a designer familiar with these specifications.
EDDM® Postcards can many sizes in between, but the most cost-effective and commonly used sizes by our clients are 6.25″ x 9″ and 6″ x 11″. If would like to see samples or discuss designing a postcard for your EDDM® campaign, reach out today.
With no need for permits or stamps, once we print your postcards, they are ready for final preparation. The USPS® requires that EDDM® mailings are bundled in quantities of 50 or 100, so we tray and band them and prepare the necessary paperwork.
Each Post Office that receives your postcards will need paperwork filed and included with the tray so they know what postal route it will deliver to. Once completed, we drop them off and the USPS® does the rest.
Every Door Direct Mail®, EDDM®, Every Door Direct Mail – Retail®, EDDM PLUS™ and USPS® are trademarks of United States Postal Service®. East Coast Media, LLC is an independent provider of print and mailing services that is not associated, sponsored, or otherwise approved by the United States Postal Service® to provide these services.